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About Yellow Pages

Cityinfo Yellow Pages - a complete print and online Business Directory Created , Innovated and brought to you by Cityinfo Landmarkers Pvt. Ltd , a market leader in info media industry since 2004 . Cityinfo Yellow Pages offers it’s users Web based search,Voice search,SMS search,mobile search,search manually through a Index based print edition. It provides information promptly,accurately and conveniently on all the products and services. Voice search ,under the brand of JustCall infotel works on phone .Our learned professional team delivers top quality of their services, but also offer our Advertisers and Channel partners a feel of Security on their Businesses with us.
Visitors to the site witness a total unique experience through a search technology and detailed local content. All services are completely free for users/readers whether it is our print edition or our voice search or web search .Detailed information on different businesses enable our valued user to pick the business/services that suits their requirements best .
As a businessman-whether you are MSME,SME or a corporate , you can reach cost effectively your targeted customers segment, whenever they are looking for your products /services using our detailed and user friendly search options . You have option to free listing your business on our web site or voice search services.
By paying and becoming our paid advertiser you can also Add photos, videos, brochures, catalogues and detailed menus . To advertise please go to contact us or write to [email protected].

Our Team – Our Competitive Strength

We have not only built a strong concrete infrastructure but also have learned professional team that not only delivers top quality of their services, but also offer our customers and Channel partners a feel of Security on their Businesses with us . .

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